All articles submitted by authors should be original; should not violate any copyright policy and should not be considered for publication elsewhere at any time during the review period.
The manuscripts should be written in English. Every manuscript will be peer-reviewed for relevance, accuracy and will be accepted based on the reviewers' recommendation.
The manuscripts should be submitted by sending a soft copy to the email address:
Attached to the manuscript at the time of initial submission, should be a cover letter addressed to the Editor-in chief stating:
a. The article has not been previously published;
b. That all authors of the article are in full agreement and there is no conflict of interest.
c. Whether or not the work was previously published in a conference proceeding.
If the manuscript submitted was previously published in a conference proceeding, the author must state clearly what additional information or results have been added to the work.
Copyright of all published articles rests with the Journal.
Manuscripts should be prepared in the following order: title, authors, abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion and/or recommendation(s), acknowledgement, references. The manuscript should not be more than 15 pages.
Line spacing should be 1. All text in Times New Romans, font size 12, but the headings should be font size 14, sub headings 12, and title of the paper font size 16.
Present all author names in the order of first name, initial of middle name, surname. Include the addresses of affiliations for all author names under the author names. Affiliations should be indicated with superscript numbers.
For example: Oladipo J. Frederick1,2, Sampson M. Igwe2 , Suzanne R. Enobong2
1University of Calabar
2University of Abuja'
The corresponding author email should come below the author addresses.
Abstract should be clear and concise. The abstract should include a brief introduction, the objective of the research, the location of study, a brief description of the methodology, the major results and conclusion. Abstract should not be more than 300 words. There should be no reference or citations in the abstract. All abbreviations should be explained at the time of first mention.
The title of the paper should be short and concise. Author(s) should not use abbreviations or any formulae.
Please provide a maximum of 5 keywords used in your research. Avoid using abbreviations.
The introduction should state the objectives of the research; discuss the literature and the background of the study.
The methodology should be reported in such a way that it can be easily replicated by another researcher. The experimental design, treatments, blocking units, number of replications, observational units, sampling methods must be clearly stated. The experimental design must clearly reflect the objective of the study.
Results must be clearly presented. Results presented should show evidence of statistics. For example, errors bars on graphs, standard error of means or least significant difference on tables.
This section should discuss the significance of the results. Authors should avoid dwelling extensively on previously published literature.
This section should state the most relevant conclusion of the study and reflect the objective of the study stated in the introduction.
Author(s) should acknowledge the help given by an individual or institution during the research work.
Referencing should follow the APA style-American Psychological Association 7th Edition
All tables must have titles with relevant description and footnotes. Tables and figures should be referred to in text. Tables/figures should be numbered as they appear in text. For example, tables in section 1 should be labelled table 1.1, 1.2, 1.3. Headings of tables should appear on the top and figure captions should appear below the figure. Ensure all figures and table citation in the text match the files provided. Pictures/images if used should be clear, adequately labelled and relevant to the text. Indicate clearly if colour should be used for any figures in print. All Figures must have relevant captions.
Before submitting any manuscript ensure that:
A total of 25,000 Nigerian Naira or 50 dollars (for overseas transaction) is charged per paper. Authors should please note that from January 2022 the article processing charge will not include a hard copy of the volume where their articles have been published. Should an author require a hard copy of any volume, he/she will apply specifically to the managing editor for a copy and this will attract an additional fee.